
Positioning the Cables Correctly

Positioning the Cables Correctly

  1. Image titled Adjust Garage Door Cables Step 5
    1. Put the cable back on the pulley if it has come off. If a cable comes completely off of the pulley, use your hands to wrap it back around the pulley so it’s as tight as possible. If you’re on the left side of the door, wrap the cable so it’s flush against the left side of the pulley. If you’re on the right side of the door, wrap it so it’s flush against the right side.[5]
    • Wind the cable as tightly as you can with your hands. When you reconnect the garage door to the track and open it, the cable will wind itself tighter as the spring puts tension on it.
  2. Image titled Adjust Garage Door Cables Step 6
    2. Wind the cable around the pulley if it’s loose. At the top left and right corners of the garage door frame are pulleys that hold the cables that open the door. Use your hands to wrap the cable back around the pulley so it’s taut. When you reengage the automatic opener, the spring will put tension on the cable and tighten them further.[6]
    • If the cable comes loose, it can affect how well the door functions and can cause it to not close fully.
    • When the door is open, there will be plenty of slack you can use to wind a loose cable back around the pulley.
  3. Image titled Adjust Garage Door Cables Step 7
    3. Lower the door and use 2 metal rods to adjust the tension in the spring. Lower the garage door, clamp or bolt it shut so it can’t open, and insert 1 metal rod into 1 of the holes around the perimeter of the spring. Then, insert another rod into a hole below the rod you already inserted. Lift the top rod upward to move the bottom rod until it’s flush against the door to adjust the tension in the spring.[7]
    • If your cables are tightly wound on the pulley, but 1 side of the door is uneven, then you need to adjust the tension on the torsion spring mounted above the center of the garage door frame.
    • Use steel rods at least 18 inches (46 cm) long. You can find them at hardware stores and online.
    • Remove the rods from the spring after you make your adjustments.
    • The garage door must be lowered in order to adjust the spring.
  4. Image titled Adjust Garage Door Cables Step 8
    4. Reengage the door to the automatic opener track by pulling the cord. Pull the cord hanging from the automatic opener to activate the lever that will reconnect the door. Grab the door at the bottom and raise it until it reengages back onto the track.[8]
    • You’ll hear a “click” when the door snaps back into place on the track.

    Tip: You may be able to use the remote control of your automatic garage door to reconnect the door to the track. Press the button on the remote or wall panel to open the door and reengage it to the track.

  5. Image titled Adjust Garage Door Cables Step 9
    5. Close the door fully to make sure the door is working properly. Allow the door to close as far as it can on its own. If the cables have been adjusted properly, there won’t be any gaps at the bottom of the door and the bottom edge will be completely flush against the ground.[9]
    • Open and close the door a few times to make sure the cables are functioning properly.

Note :

"Positioning the Cables Correctly"

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Design and Coded by (Rio Ilham Hadi) 08888905441