
Releasing the Door from the Track

Releasing the Door from the Track

  1. Image titled Adjust Garage Door Cables Step 1
    1. Close the garage door completely. Use the automatic control to close the door so it’s fully closed. If your cables are uneven or 1 of them has come off of the track, then there may be a small gap between the bottom of the door and the ground on 1 side.[1]
    • Allow the door to close as much as it can.
    • Do not try to force the door closed if there’s a small gap.
  2. Image titled Adjust Garage Door Cables Step 2
    2. Pull the red cord to release the door from the track. At the base of the trolley track on the ceiling of your garage is a small box that operates the automatic garage door opener. Pull the red cord hanging from it until you hear a “click” to disengage the door from the track.[2]
    • Don’t yank or jerk on the rope or you could damage the opener.
    • You may not be able to disengage the door from the track if the door isn’t closed completely. Try having someone put their weight on the door to close it fully so you can pull the rope to disengage it.
  3. Image titled Adjust Garage Door Cables Step 3
    3. Lift the door with your hands and open it fully. Grab the bottom edge of the door and lift it straight up. Get a good grip and keep lifting it so it follows along the trolley track. Continue to raise the door until it’s open as far as it will go.[3]
    • If the cables or springs are misaligned or off of the track, the door may be difficult to open.
  4. Image titled Adjust Garage Door Cables Step 4
    4. Clamp the garage door on the track so it stays open. Many automatic garage doors have clamps near the end of the track that you can use to secure the door and keep it open. If your garage door doesn’t have clamps connected to it, attach 2 c-clamps to the track just below the lowest roller to keep it from closing.[4]
    • You can find c-clamps at hardware stores, department stores, and online.

    Tip: If your garage door has a metal lock, which looks like a bolt at the bottom of your garage door, slide the bolt into the door track when the door is raised to hold it open.

Note :

"Releasing the Door from the Track"

This content is uploaded by APPLICATION STEPS DEVELOPER and available on Google Play Store. APPLICATION STEPS DEVELOPER do not own this content and this content credits to their respective owners listed in the source link. Hopefully useful and share this app.

Design and Coded by (Rio Ilham Hadi) 08888905441